Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Start your day right!

I know you've heard it all before, 'breakfast is the most important meal of the day'. Cannot stress enough how much this is true!! It is believed that eating first thing in the morning may help to stabilise blood sugar levels, which regulate appetite and energy! When you eat breakfast you are less likely to be hungry during the day and are less likely to overeat during the day! And let's break the word down a little here, 'break-fast' it is the break from your 8 hour long fast from food you've not had when you were sleeping, you're body needs the nutrients to get on with the rest of the day! So today I went to my silly blender (who needs to go back to the shop for the second time as a burning smell erupts from it every time I use it...) and made a banana and oat smoothie complete with a cup of green tea. I could talk for hours of the benefits of green tea so ill post that separately! If I'm not having a smoothie ill have porridge, I am the porridge princess! IT'S AMAZING! Porridge/oatmeal is super low calorie (only contains 130cals per cup!) it stays in your tummy for longer making you feel fuller for longer which means less hunger pangs and cravings! It also contains high levels of fibre, low fat, and high protein, what's not to love?! Topping it with banana or honey or peanut butter (a few of my favourites, shall post recipes to them soon) makes it taste super good and the potassium in bananas also give you energy and enhance muscular strength, speed metabolism, and can even relieve anxiety and stress!

In short, get munchin' on dem oats and bananas and let me know how it goes!


Emily xx


  1. Nicola Deigman9 April 2013 at 05:15

    Love this recipe Emily! Can't wait to try it out :) xx

    1. Good stuff! It was pretty yummy! Going to be looking into veggie shakes soon and try to make them tastier!! Let me know how you get on hun :) xx

  2. Hi can I just say I think this is a fantastic thing your doing....and well done on your achievement! I look forward to following this blog (which I stumbled across on facebook) although we dont know each other. I myself have struggled to shift those extra pounds and remain bloody miserable because of it! So I thank you for this, and hope it guides me in the right direction! :) x x

    1. Hi there! Thanks for popping by :) We have all been there before so hopefully this blog does help you! thank you so much for following me and I'll hopefully post lots of more useful things for you! :)

      Emily xx
