Monday, 15 April 2013

Fitness; What did I do & What I currently Do

     Sweaty mess, or sexy glow? Whatever it is I need a shower..

Hello again!

I thought that I would post this completely separate to the recipe I just posted, I'm sure there was a good reason behind doing this but it has completely escaped my sleepy brain so you shall just have to take my word for it that there was some sort of clever logic behind it.

Moving swiftly on...

As I explained in one of my first blogs, it has taken me 1 year to achieve my 4 stone weight loss. I'm just going to put this out there that this has been the biggest achievement of my life so far and explain that it did not come easy. When I first started, I could not run with my dog for any longer than 30 seconds without stopping and taking very long breaks and without feeling my legs were about to give up (receiving impatient looks from the dog in the process). The first couple of days/weeks are the hardest. There were so many times I felt, that I couldn't go on any more and the pain, sweat and heat was just too much for me. The pressure in my legs, the ache in my arms and the burning in my stomach whist exercising were the worst feelings in the world and I couldn't wait to be finished and in my bed. But the most amazing part of my transformation is, is that I have learned to love exercising. Those physical pains make me feel proud whenever I feel them because I know that I am working my body and pushing it to its absolute limit. I may not look attractive when I sweat (I think I am one of the sweatiest girls in the world) but I imagine it as my fat melting off my body, which it eventually did. I am not going to tell you that its easy or that there are some secret diet pills or potions that will work over night. Because there's not. When people ask me, what's your secret Emily? There is only one true answer; and that is healthy eating and plenty of exercise. If you want to change the reflection in the mirror, if you want to drop a couple of dress sizes or if you just want to feel confident then this lifestyle is for you. But you have to be dedicated and I will do my very best to keep you all motivated throughout your journeys!

So in the beginning of my process, I was lucky enough that my uncle happened to have a large wooden garage (hand built my my Grandmother's partner, Sam, who is 80! How about that for health!) in which he keeps second hand gym equipment that people have sold on or just left at the dump! In there he had 3 cross trainers, a temper-mental treadmill, sit-up benches, skipping ropes, punch bags, weights, and a whole bunch of other things! I worked out at this gym roughly 3 times a week to begin with then moved it up to 4 some weeks, depending on time etc. Most other days I ran 2.5-3 miles in my local area. I focused mainly on cardio based work for fat burning and did 30 minutes on the cross trainer, some 2 minute rounds with the punch bags, skipping, tummy exercises and some strength training with kettlebells. Each session lasted around 1 hour at night.

I talk in past tense because I moved on to other things once I gained a little more confidence. By other things I mean my current place of freedom and happiness that is my gym! I go to a little place called the Lions Den in Old Kilpatrick. The Lions Den is an MMA (Mixed martial arts) Fight & Conditioning Center and is focused around the training that fighters do. Having said that, the conditioning class is really for absolutely anyone of any size and fitness level. It usually works around circuit training and is a mixture of cardio and strength training. You work to your own pace and do the best you can. It is high intensity, yes, but everyone has their own goals when you are in the gym and you are not judged by anyone! I am currently getting really interested in the MMA side of things and I am looking into properly starting up fighting! WATCH OUT! ;)
 If anyone is interested in joining me at my gym then give me a little email or Facebook message and I
will tell you the details of classes, prices and any other information you would like to hear!


To the left you will see that I have included my original 'weight-loss journey' scrap bit of paper that I wrote my weigh-ins on! It's so bizzare to see the numbers drop, and how much I lost each week etc. This is something I definitely recommend doing when beginning your journey! (Notice my artistic drawings in the top corners, I wasn't an art student for 2 years for nothing y'know...)

I think that pretty much covers what I did do and what I currently do, but if you guys would be interested in some bedroom workouts like tummy tighteners or butt shapers let me know and I can think about ways to make this work via YouTube (If you don't mind my Scottish accent...) or via pictures on my blog.

For regular updates on all things health and fitness related click the, 'Join This Site' button at the right hand corner of the page! Any feed back is always welcome!


Emily xx


  1. I'd love if you put up a video on how to tighten your tummy at home
